1·If current labor-force levels hold, however, the actual unemployment rate ought to be significantly lower, Matus says.
2·Your hormones are in full force and your moods will ebb and flow like the tides as levels of estrogen and progesterone skyrocket and then drop in regular cycles.
3·The accompanying charts show the work force participation levels by age group for six countries.
4·In Spain the proportion of young women in the Labour force has now reached American levels. The glass is much nearer to being half full than half empty.
5·Furthermore, a sharp rise in inflation would probably force the Federal Reserve to abandon its commitment to keep interest rates at their current low levels.
6·On some levels, this search can be a positive force, helping to give meaning to people's lives.
7·He charted a new course for the Air Force leaders at all levels.
8·The force of their recognition will propel them towards precise analysis of their former lives, allowing them to progress to new levels of awareness.
9·It will be raised above 500-year flood levels and built to withstand hurricane force winds.
10·This method can be used in force aggregation at all command levels, and it can greatly improve the decision efficiency.